History of Chandeliers

history of chandeliers…

…Originating from functionality in the ability to light up rooms and objects, then moving through the centuries to become a reflection of wealth and power before growing in popularity and consequently changing in design as a result of resources, taste and technology.

With a history spanning 800 years and speculations of the first being used in Egyptian times 5000 years ago, chandeliers have been something to stand the test of time. 

Initially being made of wood with candles for light before the introduction of brass for the wealthy in the 16th century and then glass in the late 17th century. Gradually getting more elaborate and closely linked to royalty and aristocracy, chandeliers graduated from candlelight to gas and then to electricity with some antique chandeliers still used today having evidence of the adaptation. 

Throughout the last 300 years or so the perceptions of chandeliers have changed, growing in extravagance and size with their purpose shifting from functionality to aesthetics. 

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